Marine ecology
Funds towards the cost of field trip in Puerto Rico in marine ecology as part of course. “The field course made up part of my final grade helping me to achieve a first-class honours degree. I cannot thank you enough for your contribution, it has made a big difference to my prospects of working independently.”
Volunteering in Greece
Funds were granted to a 21-year-old towards the cost of training in school for autistic children. The 21-year-old said: “This has increased my knowledge and experience. I will be volunteering in refugee camps in Greece.”
Finding focus
A grant to cover lessons in sport activities during the long summer holiday. Recommended by the school to ensure focus. “I got braver and would like to try other sports.” “I have more friends now…and am not on my play station.”
Musical youth
Help towards fees for youth musical theatre. The grantee auditioned and starred in Busted at Brighton. “I notice how much my confidence and self-esteem have grown…more positive and certain …what I want to do in the future.”
Ballet shoes
Funds towards the cost of ballet shoes and full-time dance training to become a professional dancer. Grantee achieved 91/100 in intermediate ballet exam and volunteers at Eisteddfods and for stage management. “I try to encourage the dancers and help put them at their ease.”
Riding high
A grant towards horse riding lesson to help a grantee suffering from cerebral palsy gain strength and improve social development. “The ponies have a lovely calming effect and he has gained an affinity with animals that he would not normally have experienced.”